Este es la primera historia creada por mi totalmente en ingles, no es la gran cosa pero me siento orgullosa porque ni un momento pense en español mientras la estaba escribiendo, perdonen tambien los errores de ortografia y algunas cosas sin sentidos, pero es que no es facil.
Es basico, pero es mi primer credito asi que denme alguito de credito no? ;)
In the Beginning just the 8 spirits lived among the nothing, They were like dense liquid, changing constantly.
One day Naru (The Wise) decided to stop the change and take his favorite form, a big and shinny yellow ball, The sun, and convenced his brothers to follow him. This my friends is the beginning of creation.
All the spirits chose a shape: Nara ( patient) The moon; Pinya (renovation): the water, Monra (Silence): the earth; Saluya (optimist) the wind; Mama(strong) The animals; Humaru (freedom): Humans; Kitko (passion): The nature. All the spirits was connected by one single fine yarn with one purpose: Unify all the spirits in one single living thing: The Kumaru, our Beautifull planet.
Kumaru is the first planet in the galaxy of Zayam, It is divided in four triangles each of one is a powerfull nation but without eachother, the nations can not prosper, so for a bunch of centuries, Kavala, Xaxo, Jaguar and Zardust leave in peace.
But there ir no goodnes without evil and the heart off al races was corrupted. The soul of the creation was not pure anymore. The races Killed eachother to get more Material things, the fought for lands that didn't need, they stopped sharing the beneficts of Kit Ko(earth), They weren't harrpy anymore with the life they had.
Confused and Afraid, the races stopped listening to the spirit's advice and the peace began to disolve in a bunch of lies. The spirits got tired of this situation and with all the pain in his soul, because everithing they had created with their loves, had been destroyed , they turned around and went away, to another galaxy to try a new world again.
But before they left, they created the last masterpiece. Four beatifull kids, one for every triangle who contain in their souls a piece of every spirit.
Many years have passed since that day an emperor arrived and guided the races to the worng way, the evil, but my friend the revolution is going to begin and I'm telling you this history because yesterday i saw a big red shooting star and according to the prophecy, the four children are ready to begin their adventure.
Welcome to the journey, do not forget to Buckle your seat belts.
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2 comentarios:
XD a los 23 años empezando el curso de ingles, el problema es que el profesor de writting pidio una historia para niños!!!! por eso es que es simple, ademas con este vocabulario tan extenso del idioma ingles que me mando XD.
No oye pero dime, a un niño si le llama la atencion? es que hay que continuar con la historia, pero hay que mantenerla con trama para niños y redaccion para niños.
P.D: Se nota que no leiste la intro en español sino te fuiste diretco al de ingles XD
A mi me gusto, pero no cuenta soy niño :P
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