sábado, octubre 22, 2005

Tiempo de Quiz¡

You are Aziraphale

What Character from "Good Omens" are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Demasiado dulce XD

Y si fuera un dios griego seria....
I am Artemis: Goddess of Fertility and Wild Things
You are Artemis. The goddess of Fertility and Wild
Things. She one of the three virgin goddesses.
She also likes to hunt, and loves the woods.

What Greek God or Goddess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Y si fuer aun Fenomeno natural seria...
You're a cute little cloud. You like to just go
with flow and bask in you cuteness.

What Weather Phenomenon Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Y si estuviera en la Iliada yo seria....
You are the movie Paris/Orlando Bloom
You are the movie Paris. He is played by Orlando
Bloom. Nuff said...

What Character From the Iliad are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Y por ultimo si estuviera en la Odisea seria...
You are Odysseus; Rode the waves to get home to his beloved wife Penelope
You are Odysseus. He pissed off Poseidon so he
didn't get home to Ithaca for 20 years. Too
bad he wasn't as faithful to his wife and she

What Character from the Odyssey are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 comentario:

Alejandra Gamgeek dijo...

eres el angel"/()¡¿?+++¨¨¨ -no encontre los signos de admiracion- que tierna........ tienes una amigo demonio por ahi? y que me dices de tu coleccion de biblias raras?